Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Year One Bloggiversary

Happy One Year Anniversary...

to Michelle at The 3AM Teacher!  I used one of her borders in an item I have on TPT, and it is my best selling item (actually I've only sold a few, but technically it's still my best selling item - I don't have that many in my store!).  I think she is so talented, and generous with her creations.  Please check her out.
As part of the linky party in honor of her bloggiversary she has asked fellow bloggers to share highlights of their first year in the blogging world.  I am still in the midst of my first year, but I've already had some happy dance moments!

1. Winning a splitter for my iPad from at Keri at Teach~Play~Smile!  I have entered many contests and was picked to win this little doo-dad that is used daily in my classroom.  Thanks Keri!

2. Joining up with Amanda at The Teaching Thief for Fiction Friday.  Every Friday during the summer I jumped on her site to get book suggestions to use with my third graders.  Check her out - she's awesome!

3.  Discovering on my stats page that people have found me through Pinterest, and through someone else's blog. What an honor to be recognized in this way!  I am still gaining followers, and it always puts a smile on my face to see someone new on my little list.

4.  I have been teaching a LONG time, but continue to learn from my teacher buds in the blogging world.  :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

I've Been Booed!

This is a fabulous, fun linky hosted by Tori at Tori's Teacher Tips (you must pay her a visit and sign up as a follower if you haven't already). So here goes...
Maybe you've seen or heard of this fun "game" in neighbourhoods or even at your school... but let's try a blog version! Here is how it works:
If you've been booed, copy and paste the above pic and these "rules" into your post.
1. Give a shout out to the blogger who booed you and link back to their site!
2. Share 3-5 October activities, books, products (yours or someone else),
or freebie(s) that you love!
3. Share the Boo love with 5 bloggers- make sure you check this link to make sure you don't boo someone again:
And don't forget to tell them that they have been BOOED!
4. Link up here so that others can find you and read about your October ideas! And while you are there... check out the other great blogs!
So - here is a fun activity that I used in my class last week:
I had a Halloween Readers and Listeners station.  The listeners wore animal ears while the readers (who also wanted to wear the ears, and this was allowed because they were listeners, too) read a story.  I have all different kinds of animal ears (cat, panda, bear, bunny, giraffe, etc.) which I found a couple of years ago at a Halloween store. You can find an October Book Log my students used for recording books they read at my TPT store here.
Also - a great activity I used last year can be found at Sunny Days in Second Grade.  Denise has tons of great ideas, and I love looking at the pictures of her school's storybook pumpkins.  She's got some creative people at her school!

Check out the blog of my wonderful Boo Buddy - Sue at SOS - Supply!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Currently - October

It's October - one of my favorite months of the year!  While walking my dog today the leaves were fluttering softly to the ground - it was a beautiful late day walk.  You can join Farley and friends with your version of "Currently" here.
I love the book Arthur's Halloween from Marc Brown.  It has a good message for children about seniors that might live in their neighborhoods.  We do character studies at this time of the year and the Arthur books are great to use because the students are so familiar with Arthur, D.W., Buster, Binky, and the rest of the gang.