to Michelle at The 3AM Teacher! I used one of her borders in an item I have on TPT, and it is my best selling item (actually I've only sold a few, but technically it's still my best selling item - I don't have that many in my store!). I think she is so talented, and generous with her creations. Please check her out.

1. Winning a splitter for my iPad from at Keri at Teach~Play~Smile! I have entered many contests and was picked to win this little doo-dad that is used daily in my classroom. Thanks Keri!
2. Joining up with Amanda at The Teaching Thief for Fiction Friday. Every Friday during the summer I jumped on her site to get book suggestions to use with my third graders. Check her out - she's awesome!
3. Discovering on my stats page that people have found me through Pinterest, and through someone else's blog. What an honor to be recognized in this way! I am still gaining followers, and it always puts a smile on my face to see someone new on my little list.
4. I have been teaching a LONG time, but continue to learn from my teacher buds in the blogging world. :)