Saturday, June 15, 2013

Five For Friday - Summer Style

Ahhh......I just love summer.  It's just so nice to have the freedom to do whatever and to do it whenever.  This week's Five For Friday is lite on the school stuff, and heavy on the whatever stuff.
1. We did have school meetings this week, and on Monday we had something our district called an "Unconference". This basically meant we had no speaker, and we had to walk around and share ideas about posted topics on RTi, Family Involvement, and Collaboration.
They also had an early optional session for those who wanted to learn about using Twitter to comment on the "Unconference".  We even had our own hashtag.  I don't think it took off they way they wanted it to - only about 10 people of the 200 attending tweeted.
2.  I finally got to put together some potted plants.  My class had given me a gift card to one of my favorite local gardening centers. 
3. I got some reading time in.  This is the book we'll be discussing at Book Club next week.  A sad topic, but it's written in an entertaining way that draws you in.
4.  Speaking of "end of your life", it's time to say good-bye to this old friend.
Yes, this is an Apple IIe, and you probably remember playing Word Munchers and Oregon Trail on it.  It's been in my room since I moved in, and it still works.  But my students have rarely used it, as they've been lured away by the laptop and iPad I now have.
So, I put this dinosaur on craigslist for $40, and have had multiple interested buyers.  Yay- extra cash.
5. I've been part of Miss V's big giveaway.  There are MANY awesome prizes.  Check it out!
Oh, I've also had to time to golf, have a couple lunch dates, enjoy beverages outdoor with friends, and attend a local summer concert.  Ahhh....


  1. Your potted plants are beautiful and that Apple computer brings back memories! $40 is probably a steal!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  2. I haven't seen an Apple IIe in years, no decades :) Glad I found your blog!

    I3: Imagine. Inspire. Innovate.
