Thursday, October 3, 2013

Currently October - Pumpkin Book Log

Hurray - it's time for another Currently.  Thanks to  Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for hosting  - I like the idea for "Trick or Treat" this month.
I love the new TV season!  The only problem this year is that two of my favorites - Parenthood and Scandal are now on the same night at the same time!  The big question is - which to watch, and which to DVR?
One of my sweet friends left two beautiful mums on my porch yesterday as an early birthday present.  I was so happy to see them!  I had wanted some fall flowers but never got around to buying them.
We have a field trip to a nature center tomorrow, and the weather is calling for rain. And we've had gorgeous weather for the last two weeks.  Couldn't this run have gone on for one more day??
My class is the only one in the school that hasn't had someone come forward to volunteer as the Room Parent.  This volunteer usually coordinates classroom helpers and field trip chaperones.  Very disappointing....
We got $500 worth of new books for our classroom libraries at the beginning of the year.  Mine are still sitting in a box in the corner of my room.  I may use one of the rainy days this weekend to tackle that project.
Click this link to access a pumpkin book log to use with your students.  I usually have a bin of Halloween books out for a station, and students record the ones they read on the sheet.  They can also rate the book on a scale of 1-5 for how much they like the book. 
The product includes free Reading Response Journal labels, too!


  1. So sorry to hear about the weather forecast tomorrow! I hope the rain holds out for you!

    What's Working This Year?

    1. We were able to get out for part of the day on our field trip. Thanks for the good wishes!


  2. So jealous about all of your new collection of books! That is incredible. I am hoping you get a room mom soon!
    My Second Sense

    1. Yes - we were so lucky to be able to select the books, too!

      Luckily three parents said they would share the position on Friday - I'm relieved!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I desperately need to organize my classroom library too!

    1. Hi Martina,

      Thanks for stopping over here, too! Hope you find time for your library - the organization surely pays off.

