Sunday, March 10, 2013

Five for Friday

Here is this week's edition of Kacey's Five for Friday.  I have to make it quick because I'm preparing for three (count em- three!) nights of conferences this week.  And yes - we have full days of school each day all week.
1.  We got our job assignments for next year on Friday.  In my district we have to reapply for our jobs each year.  Two weeks ago we had to complete an "Eduator Preference Form" stating our top three choices for jobs, along with an explanation of why we would be good in that position.  During the last two weeks the principal has been around our classrooms often, always tapping into his phone while we're teaching - we suspect he's been taking notes and then sending them to some file.  Can you say stressful?
Anyway - I was relieved to find out I'll be at the same grade level  - third - yay!!

2. We did another great FOSS inquiry experiment this week on evaporation. 
I used our Bobcat mascot's tail for securing the light.  Pretty clever don't you think?  :)
We put 100 mL of water in each cup, then measured the temp of the water in each.  We recorded the temp of the water about every 3 hours during the day, and then left the experiment overnight to check the next day, too. 
Afterwards we studied our data and interpreted the results.  We connected this to how the sun might speed up the evaporation of puddles on a rainy day. 
3. I saw the movie "Life of Pi" with some girlfriends on girls' night on Wednesday.  I couldn't stop thinking of all the symbolism in the movie afterwards.  Did any of you see the movie or read the book?
4. We had Bring Your Own Device Day on Friday.  We usually have a special event on Friday afternoons for our third and fourth graders, and this week we allowed the students to use their educational apps during (what we call) Bobcatfest.  I also let them use the devices during math, and we all loved it.  About half of my 28 students brought devices. 
5. Yesterday I led a college class on "Teaching in the Primary Classroom" at our Concordia College satellite campus.  I loved working and talking with this impressive group of future teachers!

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