Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tried It Tuesday - iMovie on Biographies

Hi All -

First I'd like to say a big thank you to Diane at Fifth in the Middle for organizing the March Madness Giveaway.  About 25 teachers/bloggers filled out brackets for the NCAA tournament, and Diane recruited people to donate prizes for each round. 
Well guess what - I am in first place (for now)!  I picked Oregon, and lo and behold they won (along with some other great teams)!  I can't wait to see what happens in the next round of games.

I am also joining Fourth Grade Flippers for her inaugural linky called Tried It Tuesday.  Check out her blog for links to unique ideas that teachers have been experimenting with in their classrooms.
I've been playing with iMovie on my iPad to create recaps of lessons I've done in class.  You can view one on biography lessons we've done recently here.  I share these short movie clips with parents, and colleagues in my district. 
It is so easy to put the videos together once you get the hang of it.  Truly - it's simple!  And the app is priced at less than $6.00.


  1. Jane,

    I'm your newest follower.
    Very nice post. I still get the feeling that iMovie is a lost trasure that people still don't realize how easy it REALLY is to use.

    Have you tried the new trailers that you can create. those are so cool and easy to use.

    Digital: Divide & Conquer

  2. I love iMovie on my computer but never knew about this app for the iPad. Do your parents just go to youtube to watch the clips? FYI: I couldn't watch it with your link (it said it was private). Thank you so much for linking up this wonderful idea!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

    1. I'm not sure what Jane does, but we will actually do a coupe of things. 1) is upload them to Vimeo and then given parents the link. We don't make it completely public, only people with the address can view it. Then the parents can download the video themselves and it akes out a lot of the work. 2. We also connect them to computer (USB) then drag n drop onto the hardrive.
      We actually haven't used YouTube because vimeo has worked so well.

    2. Thanks for stopping by Matt, and for the tip on Vimeo - I will check it out. It sounds like it may be a more privage option than YouTube.

      Holly - I have now changed the video from Private to Public. Thanks for letting me know. All the parents of my students had given the okay for me to post videos from class on YouTube and I have received positive comments from them on this video. Thanks for hosting the linky!


  3. I found you from Fourth Grade Flipper's linky. What a great idea! I will need to add this to my school app "wishlist."
    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

    1. Thanks for stopping by Bethany. I think iMovie is a great bargain, and provides you with a creative tool for making videos.

