Monday, September 17, 2012

Tell Me Something Good Linky

Isn't there a kind of old bluesy song that starts out - "Tell me something good" - followed by a guitar rift?  Anyway - it's always time for good news, so I'm joining Rowdy in First Grade for just that.
My school district has overwhelmed us with a literal flood of new initiatives, and everyone is pretty stressed, but we've also worked to help each other out.  We have to benchmark every student twice, so for me that means doing 54 benchmarks since I have 27 third graders.  Luckily the music teacher, gym teacher, literacy coach, and G/T teacher have come in to do an extra lesson in my room so I could work on benchmarks while they are teaching. Do you have to do benchmarks, and if  so, how many, and how do you get them done while teaching everyday?

We were also asked to post about something good that's happening at home.  Hmmm....we have a book club coming up on Thursday night that is at a friend's house.  It's a fun group so I'm looking forward to kicking back, having a drink, and chatting and laughing with my girls.

Also, I wanted to share the family letter I send home about our book exchange so you might try one in your classroom, too.  You can find it here on Scribd.

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