Sunday, November 25, 2012

Liebster Award

I am lucky to have been recognized by both Colleen at Fun and Fearless in First and Kathy at Third Grade Doodles for a Liebster Award.  This award is for those blogs that have under 100 followers, and I was first given this award in the summer, so I have been like the Little Engine That Could in picking up followers.  My goal is to get to 100 followers by January 1.

Anyway here are the answers to the questions that Kathy posed for me:

1. What is a recipe that you are famous for making.
  I make a great blueberry torte.  A big group of us meet for a weekend at a friend's cottage in the summer, and there is always a request for me to bring it.
2. Why did you start a blog?
To connect and share with other great teachers.
3. What is your favorite subject to teach?
Hard to choose, but currently it is science since I attended the Mickelson Academy this past summer.
4. What is a favorite website that you use with your students?
I use Edmodo often with my students, and they love it!
5. What is the hardest thing about teaching?
Meeting with students to help them individually with reading and writing (I have 28 students)!
6. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
I love San Diego - I would go there in a heartbeat.  It looks pretty good after a Wisconsin winter.
7. Describe in a sentence or two, your ideal classroom.
An ipad for every student, and the class size would be no larger than 20.
8. What is a favorite teaching theme or bulletin board idea that you've used?
I taught a science inquiry unit on Bubbles that the students raved about.
9. Who is your favorite music artist?
I love lots of kinds of music but I'd have to go with The Boss - Bruce Springsteen.
10. What is your morning poison? (i.e., coffee, tea, sugar, etc.).
I am a tree drinker, and just had some delicious decaf green tea with pomegranite.
11. If money were no object, what one thing would you buy for yourself? For your classroom?
I would buy season tickets for me and all my friends to the Packer games!  For my classroom, I would purchase more assistant time.  I only get para-pro 3 days a week for 20 minutes.

Today I made a sign to post in my classroom to help students remember the difference between a b and d.  I think there are others like this floating around Pinterest.  I tried to draw a b outline in Paint but the line was wiggly.  Can anyone help with how to draw a curve in Paint?

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